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Another Handshake with Bashundhara Group


BASHUNDHARA GROUP, the largest industrial conglomerates of Bangladesh, is the pioneer and the first entrepreneur in the Bangladesh Cement Industry, shakes hand once again with PEB Steel Alliance Ltd for another milestone. As a result of the outstanding excellency in the completion of materials delivery of MCML (3258 MT) project of Bashundhara Group, PEBSAL has been honored with another MoU named Bashundhara Industrial Complex Ltd. which is of 1200 MT.

Expansion of Bashundhara Cement at Madanganj, Bandar, Narayanganj is a formation of two intricate structures named Roller Press and Hot Gas Generation Building. The more the height, the more the challenge especially the continuation of work from 111.5 ft. up to 168 ft. over an RCC building. This contract is a recognition of facing this kind of challenges successfully for PEB Steel Alliance Ltd.

Bashundhara Group and PEBSAL started working together in 2017. Since then PEBSAL has been maintaining the contribution successfully behind the several milestones of this group of companies.

PEBSAL is very proud to be associated with Bashundhara Group. Read More